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19 million bitcoins were mined in circulation, leaving only 2 million bitcoins left


As of April 1, 2022

  1. records showed that 19 million bitcoin had been mined for trading.
  2. With maximum offer set at 21One million
  3. there are only 2 million bitcoins left to 
  4. be found by mining participants.

Satoshi Sports Design and Forecast - 19 million Bitcoin Released

Bitcoin (BTC) reached a milestone on Friday, April 1, 2022, after records showed that 19 million bitcoin had been mined.

The catchment moment occurred at a height of 730, 034 now only 2 million people are left to be mined. At the height of the block, the total amount of existing bitcoin was 19000.004.68 BTC at 7:05 pm. (Eastern Time)

When Satoshi Nakamoto set up the bitcoin network, the inventor set the maximum supply at 21 million, and research showed that the number is less than 21 million. According to certain estimations, there will only be 20,999,817.31 BTC.

The bitcoin dashboard :

 on the clarkmoody.com website, which was used to record 19 million bitcoins mined into existence on Friday, shows that there are only 1,999,781.23 BTC left.

When a block is found by a miner, the currency version increases by 6.25 bitcoins per block ($289,656).

  • The mass is detected approximately every ten minutes and the next half of the mass bonus is expected to occur on or about May 3, 2024.
  • After the next half occurs, miners will receive 3.125 bitcoins per block and the next half will occur in 2028.
  • BTC version is programmed, athletic and ultimately predictable which is why people can estimate the time frame between changes
  • Modify the difficulty and the time of occurrence of the next half. At the time of writing, Bitcoin's annual inflation rate was 1.74% and after all

Half, the annual inflation measure will continue to slide.

  1. Data show that 19 million bitcoins have been mined into existence.
  2. Nobody really knows how many currencies are already in circulation.
  3. This is due to the fact that there is an unknown number of coins that 
  4. cannot be obtained or lost that will never be spent.

However, Satoshi Nakamoto is responsible for the dilemma of lost currencies when the inventor said that unobtainable bitcoins will make cryptocurrencies more scarce and therefore more valuable. "Lost coins make others' coins worth a little more. Think of it as a gift to everyone, added Nakamoto.

Since the next half is expected in 2024

it is estimated that the block's rewards will stop releasing new bitcoins by 2140, and the metallic rewards system will depend entirely on transaction fees.

After 19 million bitcoins were mined at 7:05 pm. (ET), records show that there are approximately 109,966 blocks left for me until the next bonus in half.
