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Bitcoin payments can now be sent and received by Cash App users.


Bitcoin payments can now be sent and received by Cash App users.

Previously :

Cash App users could only send BTC Lightning payments, but through new integration, users can now also receive bitcoin directly in their Lightning wallets.

Cash App users can send

and receive payments in Bitcoin via Lightning Network.

Previously :

the app could only send bitcoin payments on the series.

Cash App has more than 40 million users, more than six times the population of El Salvador.

According to an announcement from the company's head of product, Michael Rehani: Cash App users can now send and receive bitcoin payments instantly via Lightning Network.

The process of dealing with bitcoin through

Cash application is simple. First

the user goes to the app

  1. opens "Money Tab,"
  2. chooses Bitcoin
  3. then a code or QR

link is created that allows users to handle other Lightning wallets.

Currently :

the feature is available across the United States, with the exception of New York State. Thus

if users communicate with other Lightning wallets

According to a statement from Rihani

Cash App users can choose to send or receive bitcoin from the app in the United States

In order to use this new function

The most recent version of the app, which is compatible with both Apple iOS and Android mobile devices, must be updated by users.

Furthermore, the Cash app has a user base of over 40 million.

This means that 40 million users can now settle instant payments via bitcoin, all by merging with Lightning Network.

Last February

Lightning Network's inaugural connection with Cash App was revealed.

However, this function only allowed users to send bitcoin to other Lightning wallets. Today's announcement also allowed users to receive bitcoin.

The company's initial announcement was followed up with a feature known as "Pay Me In Bitcoin," which allowed Cash App users to transfer their salaries to Bitcoin.

The payment process facilitates transactions between people

in various types of fields, including physical based on different businesses

From the benefits of cryptocurrencies

  • made it easier for many people to pay their money quickly anywhere
  • in the world. Some countries have adopted cryptocurrencies
  • as an essential way to deal with each other quickly and easily.

But from the light negatives of cryptocurrencies

contraband and unconventional things are smuggled between some people such as drug smuggling, arms or a young woman for easy fast payment and security for them.

Anyway, cryptocurrencies are used as a fast and safe way to pay among all the people in the world.
