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Blockchain technology helps overcome hacking attacks


Blockchain technology

helps overcome hacking attacks

Digital technologies boosted economic growth

led to easy access to information and provided a range of other benefits

but left the United States vulnerable, especially in one critical area: war.

  1. Navigation
  2. logistics
  3. intelligence collection
  4. storage and dissemination of

information and targeting depend on

digital technologies and require accurate data.


  • The collection and storage of the said data
  • Become a pirate trap; Intervention in it is an effective means
  • to attack and possibly stop the US military.

From repeated cyber theft in North Korea to massive data

breaches to data theft by insiders like Edward Snowden, it is clear that information security is a weakness for the United States and most other countries in the world.

While the Foreign Affairs article calls on

the United States to look at the financial sector looking

for clues on how to mitigate these risks, blockchain technology can help.

Blockchain :

Technology for Cyber Security

  • Block chains are distributed databases that
  • can help governments and institutions store data in
  • a way where there is no attack through which
  • the data source can be compromised

and the data cannot be altered

deleted or stolen without leaving a trace of evidence.

When databases are distributed and unchangeable

it becomes much easier to detect hacks

for example :

  1. by using alert systems
  2. and making it impossible
  3. for attackers to delete records.

blockchain BSV is used to take instant footage with a moment of files and networks, and alert network administrators immediately when the status of surveillance information changes.

Officials must sign and acknowledge alerts

leading to genuine accountability.

  1. Sentinel Node was created in collaboration
  2. with IBM Consulting and reduces breakout
  3. detection times from 212 days to just seconds.

The objective is to provide institutions with confidence

and peace of mind when it comes to data integrity, auditability and accountability


a tool such as Sentinel Node

  • the Office of Personnel Management was able to
  • detect data breach within seconds
  • and protect the records of 21.5 million Americans.

Data theft could have been detected

saving lives and protecting America's secrets.

As the face of :

war evolves with technology

and information security is more important than ever,

BSV blockchain :

and its various applications can help the US

and other countries protect their data

make sure they are not tampered with, stored and transported securely.
