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Change the approach to central banks' cryptocurrencies



the approach to central banks' cryptocurrencies

Atul Bhatia :

a Royal Bank of Canada analyst

  • recently highlighted the US Federal Reserve's potential approach to

  • the development of the Central Bank's digital currency (CBDC)

  • stressing a cautious and gradual strategy on radical transformation.

This perspective comes

at a time when the concept of central banks' cryptocurrencies

is gaining global momentum and promises to revolutionize the financial landscape.

In a report published this week

Atul Bhatia believes the Fed will opt for gradual technological improvements

rather than a comprehensive overhaul of current payments infrastructure.

According to Pattia :

the Fed is likely to continue its focus on strengthening existing systems

rather than issuing the central bank's full retail and wholesale digital currency.

This thoughtful approach aims to :

mitigate the risks associated with a single point of failure

which could become a target for pirates, terrorists and geopolitical competitors.

Bhatia :

highlighted potential competencies that a digital dollar could achieve

such as streamlining transactions and reducing settlement risks.

In the Central Bank's

  1. Digital Currency System (CBDC)
  2. ownership records will be fully electronic
  3. making transactions between accounts immediate.

However :

Bhatia noted the significant security

privacy and governance concerns that come with these theoretical efficiency gains.

The risks associated with the central digital currency system :

could outweigh the benefits, suggesting that

commercial bank accounts and physical cash were likely to

remain central to the United States' financial structure for the foreseeable future.

The Federal Reserve has been actively studying the impact of :

the central bank's digital currency issuance (CBDC)

conducting numerous tests

and experimental experiments to assess technology constraints.

It has also developed a real-time payment system called FedNow

which, like CBDC, allows for instant digital reconciliation

but only works between deposit institutions and does not use blockchain technology.

Global context and implications for the United States

Bhatia's analysis is in line with the broader global trend of

cautious implementation of central banks' digital currencies.

While countries like

China have pushed aggressively towards digital currencies

the Fed's gradual approach reflects a more measured strategy.

This cautious attitude can serve as a model

for other countries grappling with the complexities of

central banks' cryptocurrencies, especially in terms of security and governance.

As the debate over :

central bank cryptocurrencies continues

Bhatia's insights offer an accurate understanding of the potential course of the Fed.

His analysis suggests that while the United States

is not shy about exploring the potential of digital currencies

it is moving cautiously to balance trade-offs between efficiency and security.

This cautious approach can set :

the tone for developing central bank cryptocurrencies not only in

the United States but also influencing global strategies in

the cryptocurrency industry.
